I’m John. Gergen not Doe. German but also American. An Art Director based in Berlin. Like any tech+art enthusiast, I scanned and uploaded myself to the internet. In real life, my face has more polygons and my brain is overflowing with ideas.

My creative process is fuelled by data, culture, and Apfelschorle. The pixel-perfect big picture for me is a campaign that turns heads. Real ones not virtual ones. If that excites you, get in touch.


Antoni Berlin:
Art Director
Nov 2021 - Present

Creative Intern
July - Sept 2021

Ogilvy Berlin:
Creative Intern
Apr - June 2021

McCann Paris:
Creative Intern
Jan - May 2021

Creative Intern
Sept - Dec 2020


Miami Ad School
Art Direction Program
2019 - 2021

Goldsmiths University
MA in Brands, Comm.
and Culture
2017 - 2018 

Regents University
BA in International Business w/ Spanish
2012 - 2017